KISTI Certification Authority
Request Certificate

Before requesting a certificate, please review KISTI CA Operation document(MS PowerPoint file) to know the procedure of being issued a certificate from KISTI CA.

By requesting a certificate, you indicate that you accept the Certificate Policy and Certificate Practice Statement and that you agree to the Subscriber Obligation (Secion 1.3.3) specified in the document.

If you are ready to request your certificate, then follow the step by step instructions below:

Subscribers should have to enrolll to KISTI CA to request grid certificates issued by KISTI CA.

Step 1. Enroll KISTI CA

  1. Download KISTI CA User Application Form. Fill out the subscription form.
  2. Interview with a RA with the application form. (RA contact information)
    Provide the following information when interview with a RA:
    • the application form
    • proof of identity (work ID card, passport, national ID card, etc. Please hide sensitive infomation)
  3. Keep the PIN number of the application form securely.
    The RA should fill the PIN number field in the form.
    Fax the form to the number specified in the form.
  4. Please send an notification e-mail to after sending a FAX.
  5. KISTI CA staff will respond immediately when we receive your request form.
  6. KISTI CA will send an Web Access Client Certificate(WACC) to your e-mail, if everything is okay.
    Install this certificate in your web browser to access to the on-line certificate request service web site.
    Your PIN number is the password for your WACC.
    Read the following insturction to install the web access certificate(WACC) in your browser.

Step 2. Request a Grid Certificate from KISTI CA

- If you are applying for a user certificate:
   Click User Certificate Request

- If you are applying for a host/service certificate:
   Click Host/Service Certificate Request

Global Science experimental Data hub Center
National Institute of Supercomputing and Networking
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
245 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu 3414 Daejeon, Republic of Korea

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